City Love

3 Tips For Planning A Honeymoon When You’re Senior Newlyweds

If you’re older and have just recently gotten married, you might be wondering if you should go on a honeymoon with your new spouse. But just because you might be nearing retirement or already living in an assisted living facility doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still get to celebrate being with your new love.

To help you in planning this adventure, here are three tips for planning a honeymoon when you’re a senior newlywed. 

Try To Go During The Off-Season

When you’re a senior and already retired, you likely don’t have to plan your honeymoon around the time that you’ll have to take off work. Because of this, you can really take advantage of the off-season to get the best prices on your travel. 

Depending on where you want to go for your honeymoon, you should try to schedule it so that you can visit that destination when it usually has fewer visitors. Even if this isn’t necessarily right after your wedding, the flexibility in your schedule likely will make it possible for you to wait until the timing is right to get the best possible prices for your trip. 

Consider Using A Travel Agent

If you haven’t planned a big trip for yourself recently, you might want to consider using a travel agent to help you and your new spouse plan your honeymoon, especially as seniors traveling together. 

There are always changes taking place with how to best book travel and find the best price for the trip that you’re wanting to take. So to save you from having to re-educate yourself on the logistics of travel planning, you may find that working with a travel agent makes preparing for your trip much easier. They will also likely have tips and tricks that you hadn’t thought of before so that you can have the best possible honeymoon. 

Plan Romantic Activities

Just because you’re older doesn’t mean that the romance is dead in your life. Particularly if you’re going on your honeymoon, you’re going to want to plan a lot of romantic activities that will work well for you and your new spouse.

If you’re looking for ways to just relax together and take it easy, booking a couples’ spa day or romantic candlelit dinners can be a great option. You Can also do things like take romantic walks along picturesque areas, try adventures that will be easy on your bodies, and just looking for ways to experience new things together. 

To help you have just as much fun and romance in the older years of your life as you did when you were younger, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you plan a great honeymoon as a senior couple. 

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